Update from Jersey Hockey President

The Inter Insular weekend was an excellent one for Jersey Hockey! 

On the pitch we saw great hockey in all of the matches with 4 wins, a draw and one loss, which could easily have a been a win if we had taken our chances. These results mean that the 2018 Big Stick  is now red!  If anyone visits the Guernsey clubhouse please make sure their Big Stick has the red side fully on view.   Congratulations to all players and especially to the men's and women's first teams who have been waiting some years for this well earned success. 

It takes a lot of effort and commitment to organise the Inter Insulars and so, on your behalf, I say a massive thanks to everyone who made it happen - the coaches, umpires, and organisers.  Special thanks go to Kerry Rogers and James Wetherall for their brilliant work in bringing it all together.

Off the pitch it was an equally momentous weekend.  On Friday in the Royal Court a 25 year lease was passed transferring the Les Quennevais hockey ground to Jersey Hockey.

For many, having our own ground and clubhouse has been a long held ambition and we are now a key step towards achieving this.  In 4-5 weeks construction is planned to begin as we start clearing the site for the clubhouse and the new practice area.  We are delighted to be working with Mitchell Building Contractors, led by our own Tom Boswell as our construction partner.  Planned completion is due for September.

While there will be no access to the stand during construction our hockey programme will continue over the summer.

We will be holding a ground breaking ceremony and celebration - date to be confirmed shortly.  I look forward to seeing as many members there  as possible as we start this exciting new era for Jersey Hockey.

Paul Masterton 

Jersey Hockey President 

March 19th 2018